Saturday, May 29, 2010


Welcome to my Blog!

So my wife started blogging a couple months ago, and her blog has inspired me to work on my own blog. Hint, you should check out her blog, especially if you are into home decor.

So as the title states, this blog is about the many interest of my life. One of the things about me, and my wife can definitely vouch for, is that I have a lot of ideas that seem to be all over the place. In addition to being a husband, and a father (currently a 5 yr. old and a 4 mo. old), I am also interested in my relationship with God, music, technology, software developing, logic, math, and physics. Yeah, I'm kind of a deep nerd.

I also have kind of an obsession with the hit TV series, that's now finished, LOST. Sadly, I still find myself drawing conclusions and theories from the show. (I can't help it, I was one of those who enjoyed the series finale)

So this blog is dedicated to the many, many, interests in my life.

Relationship with God - "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. " John 14:6. Jesus equates himself as the truth. So I believe that when He talks about knowing the truth, He is referring to a relationship with Himself. Not only does Jesus save from eternal condemnation, but he is able to set us free from the things in life that keep us bound from true contentment in Him. I hope to be able to write posts that show growth in my relationship with Christ, not that any work that I do earns any kind of deserved praise, recognition, or in good standing with God, but that it would glorify Him.

Music - As a songwriter, musician, and singer, I hope to eventually put together a few music projects. I haven't written any music in a while, and haven't actually had any of my own material in professional production, but hopefully that will change soon. I enjoy writing songs of Contemporary Christian and Gospel styles. Above all, I want to write songs of truth, that are revelation-driven. I believe revelation of who God is leads to true worship of God.

Technology/Software Developing - My occupation is software developing, so there will be posts about my endeavors in technology.

Logic - It is quite often, stated to be versus God, and a tool that people use to disprove God. I don't believe anyone can logically prove God, nor is it our job to, but it can be shown that logic cannot be used to disprove God, and can be used as evidence to support Christ.

Math - I love math. "A Mathematician is someone who can take a cup of coffee and turn it into a theory." - Paul Erdos

Physics - Like I said, I'm a nerd.


LOST - I'm going to start an episode by episode synopsis starting with "The Pilot". I can already see my wife giving me that, my husband is crazy, look. Look at it this way sweetheart, at least this way I can write about it and not have to bother you with my LOST theories.

So I'm going to give this a shot. I know a lot of this will seem random, but isn't that what a blog is for.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, ARE a deep nerd. And I wouldn't have it any other way : )
